On-line meeting with the representatives of European Training Foundation (13.10.2020)

On 13 October 2020 NAQA held an on-line meeting with the European Training Foundation (ETF).

NAQ Chairman Yuriy BALANYUK, NAQ members Tetyana SEMYHINA and Yuriy RASHKEVYCH (HERE team), Head of the International Cooperation Department Natalia MARKEVYCH and Chief Specialist of the ETF Qualifications Systems Management Department Arjen DEY joined the event.

During the meeting, the main vectors of European policy on qualifications and labor market trends, changes in the NQF of Ukraine and tasks for its active implementation in the national qualifications system wew discussed.

These changes should be reflected in the Global Qualifications Framework Survey (the results are published every two years by CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training).

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